Police helicopter over my house
STEDHAM - West Sussex, United Kingdom
50.99 [50° 59'] | -0.77 [0° 46']
IPING - West Sussex, United Kingdom
50.99 [50° 59'] | -0.78 [0° 47']
postcode area GU29
phone code 01730
population in 1831 was 494 - Stedham
population in 1831 was 338 - Iping
population in 1841 was 557 - Stedham
population in 1841 was 409 - Iping
population in 1861 was 530 - Stedham
population in 1931 was 592 - Stedham & Iping
population in 2001 was 814 - Stedham & Iping
346 households
parish area 2,671 acres
Stedham - Stedeham - Steddanham
[Anglo Saxon] hamm = water meadow [or homestead]
[Anglo Saxon] steda [steed] = stallion
The water meadow where stallions are kept.
see also Steddanham
Iping - Epinges - Ipinges
The Saxon name means settlement of the family or followers of a man called Ipa.
West Sussex County Council
A - Z index - 01243 777100
Chichester District Council
A-Z services - 01243 785166
Stedham With Iping Parish Council
Mrs Jane Crawford
Clerk of Stedham with Iping Parish Council
Mount Cross, Quags Corner,
Minsted, Midhurst GU29 0JH
contact details
Parish Magazine - Stedham with Iping News
Editor- Derek Howard, Barnfield Cottage,
Sandy Lane, Stedham - 01730 813976
Something missing? Something special or where you live not
included? If you have photos you feel could be added to this
collection, of any age, or topic,please send them for inclusion
Stedham County First School School Lane, Stedham
01730 813522
Stedham School gets top marks
Planning permission 2012
Super fete at Primary School - August 2011
raises over £2,000 for school - click for article
Stedham piano plea answered - 2 September 2011 click for article
Stedham & Iping is shown on the 1610 map below - click
Sussex 1610 - Speed
The steam locomotive - Stedham Hall
Aerial Photos Stedham & Iping
Bowls Club - offline
Bridge photo gallery
Coachmans Cottage, Iping
Commons, Iping and Stedham
Cottage Kids
Cyril Joad - 1 - 2 - 3
Ethel Scrimgeour
Hamilton Arms
HMS Stedham
Holbrook, Norman
Iping Bridge
Map, active
Michael Stacey
Mill Lane
Miriam Julier
Mobile Library dates
Photographs Stedham and Iping
Primary School
Robert Hanna - HMS Hood
Roman Posting Station, Iping
School Lane
Stacey, family
Stedham Bridge
Stedham Bridge 1935
stedham Hall, builders, photo 1910
Stedham photos
St. Cuthmans school
St. James - photo gallery
St. Marys, Iping compare 1906 & 2006
Street, 2007 & 1906
Vintage photos of Stedham & Iping
War Memorial
Census returns for Stedham 1841
post office directory 1851 Stedham Iping
post office directory 1867 Stedham
post office directory 1867 Iping
Stedham History, published 1953
Not found it? ..try Main Index
or search whole site here
Miscellaneous articles: -
reported accidents & incidents
Boarding school plan rejected Dec.2013
More Durand school protests 15 July 2016
Concern over asbestos at St. Cuthmans 19 July 2016
22 September 2007
Parish Council objection to DEFRA
Western Weald reference to Stedham & Iping
SDNP Public Inquiry. Evidence of Parish Council, 9 April 2008
To Robert Neil Parry: Inspector
| |
War Memorial There is a wooden tablet on the North wall of St. James Church as a memorial to the local men who gave their lives.
click...click for info
What has a submarine in the Australian outback, 400 kms from the sea, got to do with Stedham?
Stedham Memorial Hall - GU29 0NL
Hamilton Arms
Nava Thai Restaurant
School Lane, Stedham
01730 812555
Fri 24 August 9pm
Hamilton Arms, Stedham
Rotherhill Nurseries & Garden centre
School Lane, Stedham
01730 813687
mon - sat 9 - 5 - - sun 10:30 - 4:30
Stedham AC Angling Club
River Rother - Coarse fishing
Contact: Mr. G. Oram 01730 817016
Day tickets from Logo Tackle, Midhurst.
The Equine Vet Clinic
Mill Lane, Stedham, GU29 0PS
01730 810742
Iping and Stedham Commons
Minstead Lane, just off A272
The commons are a local nature reserve and provide a habitat to a wide range of flora and fauna. They are areas of lowland heath, now thought to be a rarer habitat than tropical rainforest, and many of the animals and plants on the commons are dependant upon the continued existence of this rare habitat. The reserve is within the AONB of the South Downs and is part of the Iping Common Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Sussex Wildlife Trust - Iping and Stedham Commons
Stedham School gets top marks
July 2006
Stedham Primary School has received top marks for quality in raising standards in the basic skills its pupils learn.
The government-funded Basic Skills Agency award was presented by Mr. Robert Back, West Sussex director of children's services. He visited the school to present the award, which was achieved only after the school had fulfilled 10 requirements.
These included...a whole-school strategy, including an action plan, to improve performance in basic skills, assessment of pupils performance, a regular review of the progress made by each pupil who was under-attaining in basic skills, and a commitment to improving the skills of staff in the school to teach and extend basic skills.
source - WSCC
In 1757 the Rev, John Denham had spent the afternoon with the Rector of Stedham, as he was returning home through the fields to Iping he was attacked, stabbed in the neck and had his skull fractured.
The following day a man named Aps [Apps] from Easebourne was charged with his murder. He was later tried at Horsham and hanged.
source:- gfk@0207
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